Staying active is one of the key factors in maintaining long-term health. Fitting exercise and even moderate activity into your daily routine, however, isn’t always easy. Whether it’s because of a busy schedule or a health condition, you may find it difficult to get the daily exercise you need. Walker Physical Therapy & Sports Injury
Category: physical health

3 Ways To Prevent and Treat Back Pain With Physical Therapy
April 10th, 2024Do you have frequent low back pain? If the answer is yes, you should definitely get a physical therapy referral ASAP! Physical therapy is a well-known profession for diagnosing and treating low back pain. Low back discomfort is, in fact, one of the most common reasons people seek the help of a physical therapist. Our

Manage Your Chronic Pain, and Manage Your Life
March 20th, 2024As you may have already learned the hard way, chronic pain can hurt more than just your body. Conditions that limit your movement and prevent you from participating in your favorite hobbies can make you feel helpless in your own life. The constant barrage of pain can exacerbate major mental problems including sadness and anxiety.

3 Stretches To Combat Morning Achiness
March 10th, 2024Few things are more frustrating than waking up with persistent discomfort in your neck, back, or joints. Morning aches and pains can make even the most basic actions difficult, such as getting out of bed or putting on your shoes. You just want to wake up and get your day started with these 3 Stretches

Do You Play Sports? Therapeutic Massage Can Help You Perform Better
February 10th, 2024You’re well aware of the commitment required if you’re an athlete. It’s no secret that substantial training is necessary, whether you’re preparing for a significant game, competition, concert, or marathon. As a result, you’re likely to hit a hurdle along the route owing to sore or stiff muscles. Thankfully, therapeutic massage can assist. Massage therapy

Do You Know The Differences Between Sprains and Strains?
November 10th, 2023Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You’re walking down the sidewalk, not really paying much attention to where you’re going, when your ankle slips off the curb. You feel an immediate twinge of pain, but you’re unsure whether or not it requires a trip to the doctor. Ouch! You’re almost sure something is wrong,

Physical Therapy Can Help You Kick Your Pain Medication Out the Door
March 20th, 2022Are you struggling with nagging pain? Think for a second about how your symptoms affect your daily life. Do you have a hard time getting out of bed or climbing stairs? Do you find yourself feeling stressed, distracted, and depressed while at work? Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night or struggle

You Don’t Have to Live in Pain! Find Relief by Changing Your Diet
March 10th, 2022Discover Pain and Inflammation Relief Through Nutritional Changes If you already see a physical therapist for internal inflammation, you already know that this is a problem that can seriously affect your overall health. Whether you have a clear diagnosis of your inflammation (such as osteoarthritis), or you’re not fully know the causes of your back

Ditch the Drugs Today and Say Yes to Physical Therapy Instead!
February 20th, 2022Living with Pain? Medication Isn’t Always the Answer! It seems like every time you turn on the tv, there’s another report about the opioid crisis in the country. There’s a legitimate reason to panic. In 2016 alone, 116 people died every day from overdoses of opioid-related medications. About 11,5 million Americans used prescription painkillers in

If You’re Dealing with Chronic Pain, Your Diet Might Be to Blame
February 10th, 2022Do you suffer from nagging chronic pain everyday? If so, you may want to take a closer look at what’s in your fridge and grocery cart! Your diet could be making your pain better or worse. That old saying is true: we truly are what we eat! One of the most important lifestyle choices you