Post-operative physical therapy can be a game-changer for individuals recovering from surgical procedures, offering a path to expedited healing and restored function. Meet Mark, an avid runner sidelined by a knee injury requiring surgery. The prospect of a lengthy recovery loomed large, threatening to derail Mark’s active lifestyle and passion for running. However, with the
Category: healthandwellness

Fight Back Against Chronic Pain Frustration With Physical Therapy
May 20th, 2024Arthritis pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain. It is intense, chronic pain that can interfere with just about everything that you like to do throughout the day. A study revealed an estimated 54.4 million US adults had been diagnosed with arthritis—about 1 in 4 Americans. Of those, about 27% report experiencing

Let’s Get Physical: 5 Ways To Improve Your Health & Stay Active!
April 20th, 2024Staying active is one of the key factors in maintaining long-term health. Fitting exercise and even moderate activity into your daily routine, however, isn’t always easy. Whether it’s because of a busy schedule or a health condition, you may find it difficult to get the daily exercise you need. Walker Physical Therapy & Sports Injury

3 Ways To Prevent and Treat Back Pain With Physical Therapy
April 10th, 2024Do you have frequent low back pain? If the answer is yes, you should definitely get a physical therapy referral ASAP! Physical therapy is a well-known profession for diagnosing and treating low back pain. Low back discomfort is, in fact, one of the most common reasons people seek the help of a physical therapist. Our

Manage Your Chronic Pain, and Manage Your Life
March 20th, 2024As you may have already learned the hard way, chronic pain can hurt more than just your body. Conditions that limit your movement and prevent you from participating in your favorite hobbies can make you feel helpless in your own life. The constant barrage of pain can exacerbate major mental problems including sadness and anxiety.

3 Stretches To Combat Morning Achiness
March 10th, 2024Few things are more frustrating than waking up with persistent discomfort in your neck, back, or joints. Morning aches and pains can make even the most basic actions difficult, such as getting out of bed or putting on your shoes. You just want to wake up and get your day started with these 3 Stretches

Do You Play Sports? Therapeutic Massage Can Help You Perform Better
February 10th, 2024You’re well aware of the commitment required if you’re an athlete. It’s no secret that substantial training is necessary, whether you’re preparing for a significant game, competition, concert, or marathon. As a result, you’re likely to hit a hurdle along the route owing to sore or stiff muscles. Thankfully, therapeutic massage can assist. Massage therapy

Physical Therapy Can Help You Reduce Joint Pain and Improve Mobility
May 20th, 2023As we grow older, we may find ourselves thinking the same thing: our joints aren’t what they once were. Perhaps you’re dealing with an injury that makes movement difficult, or you’ve developed osteoarthritis as a result of age-related “wear and tear.” Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain: without aches and pains, you

Looking For a Drug-Free Way to Manage Your Arthritis Pain? Try Physical Therapy.
September 10th, 2022Many people with arthritis believe that daily pain is a given. But the truth is, stiffness and discomfort don’t have to be a part of our everyday lives. And you don’t have to rely on a harmful drug for temporary pain relief either. If you’ve been losing more and more of your mobility and productivity

Could Your Back Pain be Caused by a Herniated Disc?
August 20th, 2022Has your back pain been making everyday tasks feel impossible? Is it a struggle to simply get through the day? If you have been negatively impacted by back pain, know that physical therapy can help to provide answers– and solutions. One possibility is that you have a herniated disc. This can put extra pressure on