Are You Living With Hip or Knee Pain? Physical Therapy Can Help There are so many causes of hip and knee pain, from excess weight to sports injuries, advancing age to repetitive motion injuries. Whatever the cause of your hip and/or knee pain, if you are experiencing it regularly you need to find a way
Category: health

What are the benefits of pre and post-surgical rehab? Why you should consider speaking with a physical therapist before your upcoming surgery.
August 5th, 2020Pre and post-surgical rehab is often recommended for those having orthopedic surgery. These types of surgeries could include foot, ankle, knee, hip, wrist, hand, shoulder, neck, and spine surgeries. Rehab can, however, be beneficial for just about any type of surgical procedure. A physical therapist can put together both a pre and post-surgical rehabilitation plan

Let’s get… physical! 5 Ways to stay active and feel better!
May 10th, 2020Staying active is one of the key factors in maintaining long-term health. Fitting exercise and even moderate activity into your daily routine, however, isn’t always easy. Whether it’s because of a busy schedule or a health condition, you may find it difficult to get the daily exercise you need. The following are five easy ways

Pain Shouldn’t Be a Part of Your Everyday Life. Take Back Control With Physical Therapy!
April 20th, 2020Manage Your Pain, and Manage Your Life As you may have already learned the hard way, chronic pain can hurt more than just your body. Conditions that limit your mobility and prevent you from pursuing your favorite activities can make you feel a gut-wrenching loss of control over your own life. The sheer endless onslaught

The Role of Physical Therapy in Relieving Chronic Pain
January 20th, 2020Chronic pain affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. and 20-30% of the global population, reports the National Institutes of Health Office of Disease Prevention. Moreover, experts predict chronic pain will increase in prevalence as people age into later adulthood. Finding relief for pain also continues to evolve, especially as health providers become

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.
January 10th, 2020Do you make time to go to the gym a few times per week? If so, you should commend yourself for your efforts. But at our physical therapy clinic, we notice an interesting trend with a lot of our active patients: they go to the gym regularly, but they largely neglect stretching and mobility work.