Relieve Your Pain Without Harmful Medications! Arthritis is a common term used to describe over 100 different forms of joint pain and disease. Many people believe that arthritis affects only the aged, but this is far from reality. According to Healthline, “the symptoms of arthritis usually develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly.
Category: chronic pain

Drugs Don’t Have to be the Answer for Pain Relief – Try PT Instead
December 20th, 2021You Don’t Have to Risk the Harmful Side Effects of Drugs – Find Natural Relief with Physical Therapy Pain can be a helpful messenger, a warning that something needs to be repaired in your body—but it can also be an agonizing nuisance that destroys your quality of life. To make matters worse, many pain issues

Have You Heard of Pre-Hab? Chances Are, You Could Benefit!
December 10th, 2021Everything You Need to Know About Pre-Hab It’s no secret that undergoing physical therapy after an injury or surgery will help you heal faster. But what if there was a way to avoid injury and prevent surgical intervention in the first place? Pre-hab or preventive rehabilitation allows patients to heal better following surgery, speed up

Achy Joints Can be a Thing of the Past with Physical Therapy
November 20th, 2021Pain Relief is Right Around the Corner! Do you wake up feeling rigid and aching in the morning? You may think, “Did I sleep wrong on my neck? Do I have to upgrade my mattress? ” It’s only natural for us to feel a little off from time to time when our day begins! However,

5 Ways to End Your Chronic Back Pain
November 10th, 2021Have you noticed that your back pain has gotten worse over the years? Is it getting in the way of your normal routines and becoming more than you can manage? Few problems can render a person’s ability to move and fulfill basic needs as chronic back pain can! If you suffer from chronic back pain,

If You’re Living with Arthritis, There’s Hope – Find Relief with PT
October 20th, 2021You Don’t Have to Live in Pain! Have you ever experienced pain in your lower back, knees, wrists, hips, or joints? Arthritis may be the culprit. Arthritis is a joint condition that causes discomfort, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation. If you are dealing with joint pain or arthritis, you may appear to lean on over-the-counter medications,

Ready to Improve Your Health? You Can Do So With These 7 Tips
October 10th, 2021Enhance Your Health and Wellness with These Easy Steps! Most people feel that they have to spend hours a day working out or attending the gym in order to keep fit. That’s why many of us find ourselves saying we don’t have time to exercise and improve our health! However, it doesn’t take hours out

Ready to Finally Say Goodbye to Lower Back Pain?
September 20th, 2021Find The Relief You’ve Been Looking for with Physical Therapy The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are lost due to low back pain. Many people suffer from lower back pain and have no idea how to find permanent relief. Dealing with this kind of pain impacts

Stress-Related Headaches Getting You Down? Relieve Them with PT!
September 10th, 2021You Don’t Have to Deal with Day-to-Day Pain Dealing with Stress-Related Headaches on a daily alone can be very isolating and leave a person feeling exhausted. Did you know that headaches are the third most common pain complaint? It’s true. Headaches are extremely common and can be so debilitating to the point that they impact

Living with Sciatica? 3 Reasons to Turn to Physical Therapy
August 20th, 2021Don’t Live in Pain! Find Sciatica Relief with PT Your sciatic nerve runs down to each of your legs from either side of your lower back. That’s why a classic symptom of sciatica is that there’s just one side of shooting pain. Although compression of one of your sciatic nerves can literally be a “pain