You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts three months or longer, usually indicates the presence of an underlying illness that requires treatment. While medicine can help to conceal discomfort in the short term, it will not provide long-term relief. Non-pharmaceutical pain treatment is

Fight Back Pain With Physical Therapy Treatment
January 10th, 2023If you are living with chronic back pain, you know how limiting it can be to your daily life. It can hurt to sleep, it can hurt to get up out of bed, and it can hurt to bend over or pick your child up. Dealing with back pain day in and out gets old!

Physical Therapy Can Help You Solve Your Chronic Pain Problems
December 20th, 2022When you wake up in the morning, do you feel achy? While aches and pains are common from time to time, waking up every morning with them can indicate a more serious problem. If you have painful sensations in the morning for no apparent reason, don’t hesitate to contact Walker Physical Therapy & Sports Injury

6 Tips To Increase Your Daily Physical Activity
December 10th, 2022It’s true that finding time to workout during the day might be difficult. For many people, it appears to be an all-or-nothing proposition. You work for 8 hours, commute home, drive your children to their activities, prepare supper, and get ready for bed… It appears that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get

You Don’t Need Drugs For Arthritis Relief
November 20th, 2022Are you living with arthritis? Do you think you may be experiencing symptoms of early onset arthritis? Do your joints feel painful, achy, or weak? You are not alone if you suffer from arthritis. In reality, people are diagnosed with more than 100 different forms of arthritis. The elderly are the most likely group to

Put An End To Headache Pain With Physical Therapy
November 10th, 2022Did you know that headaches are the third most common pain complaint across the world? (International Headache Society). It’s true! So if you began reading this and you are suffering from headaches, breathe a sigh of relief: you are not alone. It is no secret that headaches can cause limits to your daily life. Fortunately,

Do You Think You Have Arthritis? Get To The Source of Your Pain With Physical Therapy!
October 20th, 2022Arthritis is a disorder of the joints that millions of people live with. It results in joint inflammation that can cause aches, pains, stiffness, and limited mobility. While there are over 100 types of arthritis, they are typically split into two categories: monoarthritis, meaning only one joint is affected, and oligoarthritis, meaning multiple joints are

Discover The True Culprit Behind Your Back Pain
October 10th, 2022Did you know the spine is made up of twenty-four bones? It’s true! Of these twenty-four bones, five bones are found in the lower back. The spine also contains nerves and intervertebral discs in addition to these bones. Because the spine is such a complicated component of the body, discomfort might arise from time to

6 Improvements Physical Therapy Can Make To Your Health
September 20th, 2022Do you realize that your muscles are aching or sore throughout the day? Do you need to heal from a recent accident or surgery? Do you have a chronic illness that causes you to be in continual pain? You might think there is no solution to your pain and discomfort, but you’re wrong! Physical therapy

Looking For a Drug-Free Way to Manage Your Arthritis Pain? Try Physical Therapy.
September 10th, 2022Many people with arthritis believe that daily pain is a given. But the truth is, stiffness and discomfort don’t have to be a part of our everyday lives. And you don’t have to rely on a harmful drug for temporary pain relief either. If you’ve been losing more and more of your mobility and productivity