Do you sometimes feel sluggish, tired, achy, sore or have low energy? It could be that you are suffering from some basic physical problems. If you sit still for long hours in your car, at your job or at home watching TV, you could be hurting your body over time. Without frequent movement, your muscles waste away, joints

How to Be Healthier, Stronger and More Active
April 10th, 2015Health is a relative term and is different for everyone. It means that your body is operating at an efficient range in all the different body systems from circulation, breathing, digestion and more. It doesn’t mean you have to look like a supermodel. Anything you can do to help your body achieve more of an ideal state

Increasing core strength to relieve pain
March 20th, 2015How Your Core Muscle Strength Affects Your Health Do you ever find yourself slouching in a chair, slumping at the computer or your belly sticking out after standing for awhile? This is a sign of core muscle weakness that can negatively affect your health and create long-term back or neck pain. What are Your Core Muscles? Your

5 Ways to Relieve Back and Neck Pain
March 10th, 2015If you are suffering with back or neck pain, it can be confusing to determine the right way to relieve your pain and get back to normal activities. For some, permanent injury or changes in their body mean arthritis and the tendency for more aches and pains. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t do something

Suffering with back pain? It could be your thighs…
February 23rd, 2015If you are like one of the 80% of the population who will suffer back pain at some point in your life, you know back pain can be just a real pain. It can interfere with your life, make it difficult to bend and pick up your shoes, make you irritable and affect your ability

Aching Shoulders? What you need to know about your rotator cuff…
February 13th, 2015If your shoulder is painful with certain motions or when you sleep, your rotator cuff could be giving you trouble. You need the strength of your rotator cuff to help you do all sorts of activities from brushing your hair and teeth, to lifting objects overhead and even throwing a baseball. The rotator cuff is

Is Pain Stopping You From Getting Back in the Game?
January 24th, 2015Don’t let pain sideline you! There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge, sport or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who doesn’t really train for what they

How Can You Stop That Nagging Neck Pain or Headache?
January 14th, 2015Do you find it hard to get comfortable at night because of the ache in your neck or do you suffer from headaches? Many people suffer from chronic neck pain, tightness and frequent headaches. Some people may try to mask the symptoms with popping Advil or Tylenol. Since the root cause of the problem is

Overcome Knee and Hip Pain
December 24th, 2014The knee joint is the second most complicated joint in the body and has to move in many directions. The knee and hip work in tandem allowing you to walk, run, squat and kneel. When either your hip, knee or ankle have problems moving, the other joints can be strained causing pain. Therefore, even if

Is Your Back or Neck Pain From a Herniated Disk?
December 16th, 2014If you feel radiating pain, numbness or tingling it is possible one or more of your nerves may be irritated by a bulging or herniated disk. The bones in your spine are called vertebrae and in-between the vertebrae are your disks, which act as shock absorbers. These control the spine’s range of motion, flexibility and