Do you find yourself sitting for the majority of the day? If you work at an office where you are confined to a cubicle, you may end up sitting for up to 10 hours a day. Not to mention going home and sitting on the couch after dinner. While it may not seem like too

How You Can Stay Active in Your 50s & 60s | 3 Tips to Get You Moving
May 20th, 2017Growing older is filled with change and new challenges to be confronted. For many, these changes often involve coping with a decrease in athletic performance and abilities. However, just because you’re growing older doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy an active lifestyle. If you are someone who is in their 50’s and 60’s, here

Is Your Body Functioning Optimally? 5 Signs to Look For.
May 10th, 2017The human body is a marvel of biology and genetics. It is capable of accomplishing tasks ranging from building massive structures to running a marathon. When it’s working at peak efficiency, few animals on Earth can compete with the grace and power of the human body. Unfortunately, there are times when everything just doesn’t come

How Physical Therapy Can Correct Muscle Imbalances
April 20th, 2017Many people still believe that physical therapy is only needed for rehabilitation after injury, accidents, or surgery. In reality, almost everyone can benefit from physical therapy to prevent minor recurring aches and pains or subtle losses of flexibility from becoming debilitating health issues. Physical therapists can help because many of our aches and pains are

The Best Sleeping Positions to Wake Up Pain-Free
April 10th, 2017When it comes to muscular, joint and bone pain, sleep may play an integral role. If you’re having trouble settling your body’s score with pain, you might want to consider a few pain-free sleeping positions. Depending upon your consistent morning ailments, a few positions might reduce pain—or strike it out, altogether. Take a look at

Sitting is the New Smoking: How Physical Therapy Combats the Negative Effects of Inactivity
March 20th, 2017We all know that smoking is bad for your health for a variety of reasons, but did you realize that sitting can be every bit as dangerous to your long-term health? While many office workers strive long and hard to obtain a job that is “better” than damaging your body through strenuous hard labor, desk jobs

How You Should Sleep to Relieve Neck or Shoulder Pain
March 11th, 2017Have you ever laid awake, tossing and turning, because of that annoying ache in your neck or shoulder? Why is it that you can be busy all day, but when you lay down to sleep, you start to feel more discomfort or pain? The reason for this is that your brain is busy handling a

5 Steps to Your Fastest Run Time
February 20th, 2017If you’re a competitive runner, you know that every second counts when it comes to your run times. Trying to shave extra seconds off of your last time can be a challenge. You might try to add complex training to your workouts, or push yourself past your comfort level in order to improve. Unfortunately, this might not result in any gain to your time.

How Stretching Your Calf Muscles Can Save Your Back
February 10th, 2017Do you ever wake up feeling stiff as a board in your low back? Does it take a while to get moving after sitting for a while? You are not alone, as millions of Americans suffer with back pain every day. The good news is that a lot can be done to help your

How to Quickly Relieve Knee Pain
January 20th, 2017Your knees are one of the most complicated joints in your body, having to take the force of up to 6 times your body weight. On average your knee joint will bend over one million times in just one year, so it is no wonder that things can go wrong. The vast majority of knee