If you’re an athlete at any level of training or competition, you’re already familiar with the cycle of preparation, participation and recovery that seems to accompany just about any strenuous activity. First, you must prepare your muscles and connective tissues to do their job optimally well. You must then get them into their loosest, easiest

Is Pain Stopping You From Getting Back in the Game?
February 10th, 2019According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, at least 100 million Americans are living with chronic pain (pain lasting longer than three months). As if this isn’t a troubling enough trend, in recent years, physicians have been prescribing more and more prescription pain medications, including opioids. In the year 2013 alone, physicians prescribed nearly

Suffering with Back Pain? Check Your Posture!
January 20th, 2019In one longitudinal study, back pain accounted for more than 3 percent of all emergency room visits between 2004 and 2008. It is also estimated that more than 25 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, many with a disability that prevents them from doing normal daily tasks like working and caring for themselves or others.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and How Physical Therapy Can Help
January 10th, 2019Your shoulder is the most flexible and moveable joint in your body, consisting of several bones, muscles, joints and tendons. This means there are several ways the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are many causes of shoulder pain and steps you can take to eliminate the discomfort. Physical therapy is an effective

Feeling Stiff and Achy? Physical Therapy Can Help!
December 20th, 2018Everyone wakes up feeling some pain in their joints or muscles from time to time. But if you find yourself consistently waking up stiff and achy, it might be time for pain-relief work with a physical therapist. Aching or stiff joints may be a minor problem that is easily remedied; in other cases, your doctor

Arthritis Pain Sufferers – Walker Physical Therapy is Here For You!
December 10th, 2018Arthritis is a joint disorder, which features inflammation, pain and stiffness. There is also often a loss in movement with arthritis, as the joints are too inflamed to move. When only a single joint is involved it’s known as monoarthritis. If two or three joints are involved it’s referred to as oligoarthritis. To date, there

5 Reasons Why You Need to Start Stretching
November 20th, 2018If there’s one thing that you can count on a physical therapist introducing into every session, it’s stretching. Yes, building strength and endurance is important. But whether you’re an athlete, or someone coping with the aches and pains of aging, increasing your flexibility through stretching is crucial. Read on to learn more about some of

How to Find Relief from Stress-Related Headaches
November 10th, 2018Headaches are the third most common pain complaint throughout the world. They are debilitating and can greatly impact a person’s quality of life. Fortunately, relief is possible. By working with a trained physical therapist, you can experience immediate pain relief from stress-related headaches and other ailments that may be contributing to your suffering. In this

7 Simple Ways To Stay Active
October 20th, 2018Too many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to staying fit. We’re too “slammed” at work for the gym, or our kids’ activities are keeping us in the car — and off the track — for long hours. Yet, there are a few basic elements you can add into your daily life

Treating Arthritis Pain Without The Meds
October 10th, 2018Arthritis is a catch-all term used to describe more than 100 different kinds of joint pain and joint disease. While arthritis is commonly believed to be a condition that afflicts the elderly, the reality is that it can strike people in early middle age. In fact, elite male athletes are more likely to develop arthritis