Chronic pain affects more than 100 million people in the U.S. and 20-30% of the global population, reports the National Institutes of Health Office of Disease Prevention. Moreover, experts predict chronic pain will increase in prevalence as people age into later adulthood. Finding relief for pain also continues to evolve, especially as health providers become

Do you stretch before and after your workout? If not, you should start.
January 10th, 2020Do you make time to go to the gym a few times per week? If so, you should commend yourself for your efforts. But at our physical therapy clinic, we notice an interesting trend with a lot of our active patients: they go to the gym regularly, but they largely neglect stretching and mobility work.

Stress no more over stress-related headaches! Physical Therapy can help relieve the pain.
December 20th, 2019Can you feel it? Starting with tension in your neck or shoulders and creeping upward through the base of your skull? You may have even tried stretching and optimizing your work station, but if you are suffering from stress-related headaches, you know that the only relief comes from either reducing stress or taking medication. Why

How to stay active when you have a desk job
December 10th, 2019How much time do you spend in a chair or on a couch? Did you realize that sitting for 6-8 hours per day—or watching 3-4 hours of television—has been shown to increase the risk of chronic illness and early death? It’s stunning research, especially considering that the average American sits as much as 12 hours

NO MORE OPIOIDS! Seek help from a physical therapist.
November 20th, 2019Are you taking opioids to relieve pain? The National Institutes of Health states that the number of adults in the United States suffering from pain related health conditions has dramatically increased in recent years. Pain can substantially affect your ability to engage in even basic daily activities. You may feel that taking opioids to relieve

Addressing Chronic Back Pain: Tips to Help You Feel Better Faster
November 10th, 2019Do you periodically find yourself disabled by bouts of back pain? Do you experience ongoing back pain that never gives you a moment’s relief? Whatever form it may take, chronic back pain can put all kinds of limits on your life — until you finally start taking the necessary steps to address it head-on. But

If you don’t think nutrition has an effect on your aches and pains, think again.
October 20th, 2019If you have chronic pain, have you ever considered that what you put on your fork could be making your aches and pains better—or worse? Scientific evidence shows that the things we eat can influence our experience of pain—whether by alleviating an underlying health condition or exacerbating it. Our physical therapist team is happy to

Aches and pains in the morning? Find out what might be causing them.
October 10th, 2019Are you suffering from aches and pains in the morning? Unfortunately, millions of people experience sore muscles and stiff joints in the morning. There could be a variety of reasons for this, with the severity of pain ranging from mild to even severe in some cases. Aches and pains in the morning are not only

Do you take a pain reliever every single day? See how physical therapy can help relieve hip and knee pain.
September 20th, 2019Are your hips and knees in pain when you wake up? Are you pain when you go to bed? Are the activities you do between sunrise and sunset impacted by chronic hip and knee joint dysfunction? You don’t have to give up hope of living with less pain—nor become reliant on the medicine cabinet, either.

Herniated disc pain. What it feels like and when you should see a physical therapist!
September 10th, 2019Could you have herniated disc pain? This type of pain can sneak up on you. You’re sitting comfortably watching TV and when you stand up, there’s a sharp pain that radiates through your back. If you’re experiencing pain in your lower back, you just might have a herniated disc. Give our office a call for